How Many Ounces Or ML In A Shot Glass? (Quick Guide)

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What I thought was going to be a simple article turned into a mathematical nightmare! But fear not, shot lovers; I’ve created the simple table below detailing how many ounces in a shot glass and also how many ml in a shot glass.

Just to add to the complication, shot sizes vary from country to country, plus we have 2 lots of ounce measurements (US fl oz and Imperial fl oz). Thankfully millilitres (ml) is a globally universal measurement; yay, sense at last!

Ounces (& ML) In A Single Shot

drinks shots

This simple, quick guide table details how many ounces in a shot glass (both US and Imperial) and also how many ml are in a shot glass too!

US fl ozImp. fl ozmlCountry
.67 oz.70 oz20Denmark, Germany
.84 oz.87 oz25South Africa, United Kingdom
1.01 oz1.05 oz30Australia, India, Serbia
1.2 oz1.25 oz35.5Ireland
1.35 oz1.40 oz40Finland, Hungary, Norway, Sweden, Poland
1.44 oz1.50 oz42.6Canada
1.50 oz1.56 oz44.3United States
1.52 oz1.58 oz45Greece
1.69 oz1.75 oz50Korea, Russia
2.02 oz2.11 oz60Israel, Italy, Japan


Well, that wraps up the mystery of how many ounces or ml are in a shot glass. If you want to get more tequila for your buck, you can always jump on a plane to Israel, Italy, or Japan… not sure if the airfare will help with any savings!

If there is a country you would like me to add, please get in touch or add a comment to this article.


Further Reading

Below are some additional articles from The Drinks Geek blog. We write articles on several fascinating areas of drinks, including different brands, drink types, cocktail recipes and more.

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